Emmanuel and Faith Lutheran Churches operate our school for one purpose - to aid parents in following the Bible directive - "Bring up your children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." The home is, and always should be, the chief agency for the Christian training of the child. A Christian Day School does not relieve parents in this task. All activities of the school day are permeated with God's Word and Christian guidance and leadership.
The Christian home, the Christian School, and the Church can best achieve their goals of guiding children to Jesus by working in close cooperation. Our school exists to aid parents in the job of disciplining their children. This can be a reality when parents provide a united front and agree with what is taught at school through their actions as well as their words. We wish to work with children and parents who desire a closer walk with the Lord and who are willing to walk with us in oneness of spirit and purpose.
Whenever the school pulls one way and home another, the child suffers. This is the condition which leads to confusion and emotional disturbance within the child. The purpose of our school is to serve as an important aid to, and extension of, the home in the vital work of Christian training. If the home and the school are both Christ-centered, the child will receive the best education he or she can receive anywhere.
Church and Sunday School*
Teachers will record weekly church attendance. A family must attend a Faith or Emmanuel service at least twice per month to be considered “members” for reduced tuition rates. Please check the churches’ websites for Livestream or video recording options to watch their services.
*In-person worship times may vary
Our school chapel service features hymns and a sermonette for the children. Children often lead the chapel service. The opportunity of sharing gifts with the Lord is given through the offering. Students are required to attend chapel each week.
Mission Field
Throughout the year, there are opportunities for students to participate in mission projects. Whether it’s providing coins during Chapel offerings, providing boxes for Operation Christmas Child, or serving in our community, these are amazing witnesses of our Christian faith. Thank you to all of the parents that support these mission projects. See our Chapel Schedule for this year's mission projects.
Financial Information
Since Emmanuel-Faith receives no tax money, we rely on income from several sources. The 2023 expenses for the K-8 and Little Blessings programs totaled $1,221,974. The per pupil cost was $9,547. The following pie chart indicates where funding came from in 2023 to pay for those expenses.