School Days - M, T, Th, F - 8:00 am to 3:00 pm
Wednesday - 8:00 am to 2:00 pm
Arrival – Students arriving between 7:40 am and 8:00 am should enter at the south door. Students arriving between 7:40 am and 7:50 am should go to the gym where a supervising teacher will be on duty. At 7:50 am students will be excused from the gym and must go directly to the classrooms. The doors into the school building will be locked at 8 am.
Late Arrivals – If your child arrives after 8 am, use the west doors and be admitted by the secretary to enter the building. Please stop by the office to check in.
Absences - If a student will be absent, parents should call the school office at 402-362-6575 between the hours of 7:30 and 9:00 am
Dismissal – Dismissal is at 3:00 pm (2:00 pm Wed.). There are three main areas that students go, depending on the way they get home. The bus line meets at the south doors, the car line is on the east side of the building and the walk line meets by the west doors. If you need to change your child’s afterschool plans during the day, please communicate that information to the office before 2:30 pm (1:30 pm Wed).
The bus line is for students who are registered with YPS Transportation and have received their assigned route information. Bus cards are provided for all elementary school riders and are required to board the bus. The supervising teacher on duty will take attendance and dismiss bus riders from the south doors.
The car line is for students being picked up by a parent or approved pick up contact in a vehicle. Parents are asked to enter from 9th Street (the church entrance) and proceed SOUTH down the alley toward the student pick-up point, which will be at the corner of the school gym near the alley. This area will be marked with three cones. All students will exit the building through the playground doors with their teachers and meet parents at the pick-up point. Parents will proceed through the alley past the playground and will exit onto 8th street. If you need to speak to the teacher, please park first. The pick-up lane is for parents picking up students only. If you need to come into the school building after school, please park on Beaver Street, Platte Avenue, or in the parking lot. Parents should not stop in the traffic lanes or the crosswalks of 8th Street.
The walk line is only for students who are walking to a home or business near the school. Due to safety concerns with students crossing the streets, parents should not park in the north parking lot or along neighborhood streets to pick up students at dismissal.
Late Dismissals – If a child is asked to remain after school for a detention or other situation, a parent will be notified. If the child staying after is a bus rider, the parent will be responsible for transportation of the student.
Student Pick-up – When someone other than a parent or approved pick-up contact will be picking up a child during the school day, a note from the parent must be sent to the office. The adult must sign in at the office. If there are any court orders concerning who may or may not pick up a child, the office must have a copy of the court document.
After School – No student may remain in the building after 3:15 pm (2:15 pm Wed.), unless they are in a scheduled, supervised activity. Students whose siblings are in sports may not stay unless they are supervised. No student may remain on the playground between 3:00 pm and 4:00 pm (2:00 - 4:00 pm Wed.) unless they are supervised by a parent or guardian. Teachers and school staff cannot provide supervision outside of school hours, unless it is part of a scheduled activity.
(Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School Parent Handbook, Section 1)