We are excited to announce all of the fun Spirit Days and a special activity for NLSW the week of January 27th! We will post reminders the day before to remind you what special dress up day is happening next.
Monday, January 27th- Stripping Away Hindrances
Spirit Day: Leave It Behind Day – Wear mismatched or inside-out or backwards clothing to represent shedding distractions and focusing on faith.
Tuesday, January 28th- Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus
Spirit Day: Faith in Focus Day – Wear glasses, sunglasses, or something with an eye theme to symbolize looking to Jesus.
Special Event: K-8 Skating Party at the York Skating Rink
- K to 3rd Grade along with 6th grade helpers will skate from 12:15 to 1:15 pm. They will leave at about 12:05.
- 4th Grade to 8th Grade will skate from 1:30 to 2:30. They will leave around 1:20
-It's important to wear good, thick socks with the skates!
Wednesday, January 29th- Enduring the Cross
Spirit Day: Show Your Saints Pride Day – Wear your E-F spirit wear, blue/white clothing, or an item that shows others your faith (crosses, Bible verses, etc.).
Thursday, January 30th- The Joy Set Before Us
Spirit Day: Joyful & Bright Day – Wear bright colors, happy patterns, or shirts that bring joy to others.
Friday, January 31st- Running the Race with Perseverance
Spirit Day: Race to the Finish Day – Wear athletic gear, sneakers, or sports jerseys to symbolize running the race of faith.
All Week Service Project
We will have a Penny War to raise money for one of the organizations we support with our chapel offerings or another community group. The winning grade(s) will work with Mr. Wellmann to decide how the money should be shared. In addition, there will be daily "surprises" for the classes who participate and/or donate the most- these "surprises" could include a special treat, extra recess, movie days, etc.