We hope that you can join us in person or online for the 4th graders leading us in chapel. vimeo.com/emmanuelyorkne Our chapel offerings are still going to Hearts for Jesus through February 14th.
11 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
The SAINTS Spirit Wear Shop closes at NOON, tomorrow, January 31st - be sure to get your orders in! Go to: https://4th-street-boutique.square.site/shop/saints-emmanuel-faith/93
11 months ago, PTL
spirit wear
Friday was Sports Day! Lots of students dressed up as their favorite sports fans or players. The 7th graders worked with their Kindergarten Chapel buddies to teach them a school favorite game - mushroom ball! They made yummy snacks together, too! #TeamEF #NLSW2024
12 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
Friday 1
friday 2
The 8th Graders shared an important chapel message on Wednesday about life choices! #NLSW2024 #TeamEF
12 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
What a week full of God's continuous blessings! National Lutheran Schools Week concludes with Connected to His Commission on Friday. We will have a theme day-Sports Day. 🏀⚾🏈⚽🏃
12 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
Kindergarten Round-Up is in one week! If you haven't already - sign up for a time to bring your upcoming Kindergartener to meet Ms. Pope and learn more about our school!
12 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
k round up
It was Blue and White Day today! Students also celebrated by building a "snow-a-pilar" in 6th Grade, and going to Captain Red Beard's for a special treat in 7th Grade! #TeamEF #NLSW2024
12 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
Day 4 of National Lutheran Schools Week is Thursday- Connected to the Church ⛪ Take some time to say thank you to your favorite congregation members or invite a friend to the next service or activity! #TeamEF
12 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
From creating paper chains to learning from a real life baby lamb for science, our students from Middle School down to Preschool have been connecting to their Father in Heaven through his Creation this week! #TeamEF #NLSW2024
12 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
The 8th Grade class is leading us in Chapel this morning! We hope that you can join us in person, or online: vimeo.com/emmanuelyorkne
12 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
8th chapel
National Lutheran Schools Week continues- Wednesday is Connected to the Spirit and His Faithful Gifts. We will have a theme day-Blue/White Day, so wear your Connected spirit shirts or your best blue and white outfits!!!
12 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
We've had so much fun celebrating the first day of National Lutheran Schools week - check out some of our fun Twin Day Outfits! #TeamEF #NLSW2024
12 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
Monday 1
Monday 2
Monday 4
Tuesday is Day 2 of National Lutheran Schools Week- Connected to the Father. #TeamEF #Blessings
12 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
Happy National Lutheran Schools Week!!! Tomorrow, Monday, January 22nd is Connected to Christ - We will celebrate with Twin Day, so dress up like your best friend, favorite staff member, etc.
12 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
Emmanuel-Faith will have a Late Start at 10 am on Friday, January 19th. Buses will run accordingly. There will be NO morning class at Little Blessings, and the afternoon class will be at the regular times.
12 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
Girls' ROUNDBALL LOCATION CHANGE…. Due to facility issues at the Old Gym in Utica, all games on Saturday will be played at Nebraska Lutheran High School in Waco. Same game times. Banquet and service still in Utica.
12 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
It's Arby's Night! Grab some supper at Arby's in York between 4-8pm and the school will receive 20% of those sales. We have been earning an average of $580 each month this school year from these benefit nights - thank you for your support!
12 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
Emmanuel-Faith will have a Late Start at 10 am on Tuesday, January 16th. Buses will run accordingly. There will be NO morning class at Little Blessings, and the afternoon class will be at the regular times.
12 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
Reminder that there is no school on Monday, January 15th for the MLK Teacher In-service. See everyone back on Tuesday!
12 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
Due to the weather forecast of cold temperatures and additional snow, Emmanuel-Faith and Little Blessings will not have school tomorrow, Friday, January 12th. Stay safe and warm!
12 months ago, Emmanuel-Faith Lutheran School
Snow Day